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Фабричка цена 660лбс 880лбс 0.9 тона 1тон 1.2 тона бензински дизел мотор мини утоваривач мини мини утоваривач мали Ианмар мотор

Фабричка цена 660лбс 880лбс 0.9 тона 1тон 1.2 тона бензински дизел мотор мини утоваривач мини мини утоваривач мали Ианмар мотор

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Factory cost 660lbs 880lbs 0.9 ton 1ton 1.2 ton gasoline diesel engine skid steer loader mini skid steer small Yanmar engine manufacture
Factory cost 660lbs 880lbs 0.9 ton 1ton 1.2 ton gasoline diesel engine skid steer loader mini skid steer small Yanmar engine supplier
Factory cost 660lbs 880lbs 0.9 ton 1ton 1.2 ton gasoline diesel engine skid steer loader mini skid steer small Yanmar engine supplier
Factory cost 660lbs 880lbs 0.9 ton 1ton 1.2 ton gasoline diesel engine skid steer loader mini skid steer small Yanmar engine details
Factory cost 660lbs 880lbs 0.9 ton 1ton 1.2 ton gasoline diesel engine skid steer loader mini skid steer small Yanmar engine details
Factory cost 660lbs 880lbs 0.9 ton 1ton 1.2 ton gasoline diesel engine skid steer loader mini skid steer small Yanmar engine details
Factory cost 660lbs 880lbs 0.9 ton 1ton 1.2 ton gasoline diesel engine skid steer loader mini skid steer small Yanmar engine factory
Factory cost 660lbs 880lbs 0.9 ton 1ton 1.2 ton gasoline diesel engine skid steer loader mini skid steer small Yanmar engine details
Factory cost 660lbs 880lbs 0.9 ton 1ton 1.2 ton gasoline diesel engine skid steer loader mini skid steer small Yanmar engine manufacture
Параметри производа

Модел мотора
БЛТ Нови Пионеер 200

Тип горива
92 # Бензин

Тип мотора
Једноцилиндрични, 4-тактни, ваздушно хлађење

Потрошња горива


Капацитет резервоара за гориво

Ратед Повер
6.5КС / 3600 о / мин

Капацитет моторног уља


Укупна тежина

Величина кофеина 

Максимална тежина утовара

Величина контејнера:

величина машине

Ширина шасије:

Праћење података

ширина стазе:

Клиренс шасије: 110

Дужина уземљења стазе: 1000


Капацитет товарног сандука

Угао нагиба

Типпинг Систем
Хидраулични кипер


Брзина ходања

Размак шасије од тла: 100

Минимални радијус окретања

Способност пењања


Хидраулично уље

Модел хидрауличног уља
46 # Хидраулично уље против хабања

Размак шасије од тла: 100

Капацитет хидрауличног резервоара: 15

Способност пењања

Factory cost 660lbs 880lbs 0.9 ton 1ton 1.2 ton gasoline diesel engine skid steer loader mini skid steer small Yanmar engine manufacture
Factory cost 660lbs 880lbs 0.9 ton 1ton 1.2 ton gasoline diesel engine skid steer loader mini skid steer small Yanmar engine supplier
Factory cost 660lbs 880lbs 0.9 ton 1ton 1.2 ton gasoline diesel engine skid steer loader mini skid steer small Yanmar engine manufacture
Factory cost 660lbs 880lbs 0.9 ton 1ton 1.2 ton gasoline diesel engine skid steer loader mini skid steer small Yanmar engine details
Factory cost 660lbs 880lbs 0.9 ton 1ton 1.2 ton gasoline diesel engine skid steer loader mini skid steer small Yanmar engine supplier
Factory cost 660lbs 880lbs 0.9 ton 1ton 1.2 ton gasoline diesel engine skid steer loader mini skid steer small Yanmar engine supplier
Factory cost 660lbs 880lbs 0.9 ton 1ton 1.2 ton gasoline diesel engine skid steer loader mini skid steer small Yanmar engine manufacture
Factory cost 660lbs 880lbs 0.9 ton 1ton 1.2 ton gasoline diesel engine skid steer loader mini skid steer small Yanmar engine factory
Ко смо ми?
Налазимо се у Шандонгу, Кина, почињемо од 2022, продајемо у северну Европу (20.00%), Африку (20.00%), југ
Азија (20.00%), Јужна Америка (20.00%), Централна Америка (18.00%), Југоисточна Азија (2.00%). У нашој канцеларији има укупно око 51-100 људи.
Како можемо да гарантујемо квалитет?
Увек предпродукцијски узорак пре масовне производње; Увек коначна инспекција пре отпреме;
Шта можете купити од нас?
Трамвај, камион с равном платформом, ланац, стругач, вијак
Зашто би требало да купујете од нас, а не од других добављача?
Ми смо фабричка директна продаја и можемо да пружимо бољу техничку подршку након продаје да бисмо смањили ваше бриге.
Које услуге можемо да пружимо?
Прихваћени услови испоруке: ФОБ, ЦФР, ЦИФ, ЕКСВ;
Прихваћени тип плаћања: Т/Т, Л/Ц, кредитни аутомобил, Вестерн Унион, готовина;
Језик који се говори: енглески, кинески, шпански, јапански, немачки, француски, руски корејски;
Factory cost 660lbs 880lbs 0.9 ton 1ton 1.2 ton gasoline diesel engine skid steer loader mini skid steer small Yanmar engine manufacture

Бренд: Релистоне

Presenting the latest kind of dependable skid guide loaders - the Relystone Factory cost 660lbs 880lbs 0.9 ton 1ton 1.2 ton gasoline diesel engine skid steer loader mini skid steer small Yanmar engine that is small. Developed to deal having a variety of durable tasks, these loaders are available in many dimensions that are different motor kinds to inform your requirements which can be. The Relystone collection may be the ideal financial investment for experts, landscapers, and the ones into the agricultural market with manufacturing unit cost you rates and exceptional quality that is top.


Beginning utilizing the tiniest of this lot, the skid that is 660lbs is small loader is ideal for browsing limited areas. This loader this is certainly small operating on a little Yanmar that is however magnificent engine provides plenty of power and effectiveness. Following up is the 880lbs skid this is certainly little loader, worthy of tasks that want a small bit more tissue that is muscle. Likewise, this skid guide is likewise geared up insurance firms a Yanmar engine for reliability and effectiveness.


The 0.9 load skid guide loader may be the ideal in shape for larger-scale jobs. It truly is operating on a gasoline motor - perfect for outside airs - and flaunts the capacity to cope with hard, hefty product easily. The skid this is certainly 1-ton is significantly much better and is developed to manage the essential tasks that are challenging its method. This skid guide is developed for optimal resilience and durability with a motor that is diesel.


In the first-rate is the guide this is certainly skid that is 1.2-ton. This Factory cost 660lbs 880lbs 0.9 ton 1ton 1.2 ton gasoline diesel engine skid steer loader mini skid steer small Yanmar engine that is small when it comes to greatest tasks along with the most challenging requirements. This giant of a skid guide is developed to cope with the testing and maximum this is certainly many effortlessly. It comes down prepared with a motor this is certainly offering that is diesel torque and energy.


Most of the Relystone Factory cost 660lbs 880lbs 0.9 ton 1ton 1.2 ton gasoline diesel engine skid steer loader mini skid steer small Yanmar engine are developed for effective, efficient work. These are thoroughly crafted to make sure raise that is optimal and outbreak pressure, manufacturing them well suited for removing hefty tons with extremely initiative this is certainly little. Each device into the Relystone routine is developed to last, offering reliability that is exceptional work, and efficiency for many years to get with leading edge innovation and design.


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